BE@RBRICK ATMOS × COCA COLA TYPE-6 100% & 400% 2022


BE@RBRICK ATMOS × COCA COLA TYPE-6 100% & 400% 2022

Be@rbrick and global beverage maker Coca-Cola and Atmos collaboration items are on sale.
The collaboration of the popular series, which this time will be the sixth installment, is called “Be@rbrick Coca-Cola x Atmos TYPE-6”.

The letters “Coca-Cola” are printed in each country’s language along the entire Be@brick, and the word “Atmos” is printed on the front.

The BOX uses the same design as Be@rbick, so it must be an irresistible product for collectors. This time, 100% & 400% and 1000% will be sold simultaneously.

Medicom toy use Water transfer technology to ensure unique print placement on each Be@rbrick. This means each  Be@rbrick will be special and unique.

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